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Are your support tickets becoming a nightmare?
Are your end users struggling with your application?
Do your users trust Google more than your docs?

Simplify application uptake through targeted user assistance.

Who We Are

We are a team of writers who specialize in a systemic approach to user assistance (UA).

  • We focus on end users' realities and help them accomplish their goals easily.

  • We specialize in creating custom UA frameworks that capture your precise branded voice.

  • We design a UA creation process that works for your team dynamic.

  • We see UA as an integral part of software, and create standards to interconnect the two.

What is user assistance?

User assistance (UA) is any artifact that helps end-users perform a task.

At Bhaarati, we excel at creating UA that:

  • Speaks to your end users' goals and pain points.

  • Enhances the usability of your product.

  • Increases end-user confidence in your application.

  • Reduces your support costs.

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What We Do


We work with you to create a custom in-house UA framework for your organization. This includes the UA creation process that works best for you.



We help you hire and train top-notch talent to execute these standards.


We create initial content / 'first-cut documentation' that serves as a model for your team. 


Our Services

Bhaarati is run by writers, and dedicated to helping organizations create standards-driven documentation.   

Our services comprise two offerings:

UA Development

Digital Marketing

Standards and framework setup, recruitment, and training.

A comprehensive range of services such as Content Strategy & Marketing, Paid Advertising, Social Media Management, Website Design & Content.

UA Development


UA Need Identification

We use user personas to understand your end users' goals and pain points. We then combine this insight with your positioning, branding, competition, and deployment scenarios to create detailed UA requirements. 

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UA Framework Creation

We create a structured framework that helps your team create and maintain precise and end-user-focused UA for your product.

UA Standards and Style Creation

We develop style guides and UA authoring standards that accurately reflect your brand's voice and positioning.

Digital Marketing Services

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Marketing Collateral Services

Marketing collateral is a critical component for any business’s marketing strategy. It encompasses a wide range of materials used to support the sales and marketing efforts of any organization.

Social Media Marketing

We offer a wide range of social media marketing services, from strategy and planning to content creation and execution. We also offer a suite of tools and resources to help our clients succeed

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Campaigns and PPC Ads

If you're looking for a company that can help you with your campaigns and paid ads (PPC), look no further than Bhaarati. Our team of experts are certified to take care of your campaigns.

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Case Studies

Case studies are highly valuable for businesses. They provide concrete examples of how products or services have been successfully applied, and showcase their effectiveness and benefits to other customers. 


Website Design & Content

We design websites that represent the absolute reflection of your business, with a great user experience that drives results. A good website helps business connect with their audience and drive growth.


Image by Headway

Trends in Technical Writing

January, 2024

Computer with Graph

Trend Analysis with Data Science in Social Media 

May, 2024

Contact Us

We look forward to hearing from you!

Please use the form below to get in touch with us and know more about our work, our customers, and how we can help you.

Thanks for reaching out! We shall get back to you ASAP.

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